<aside> πŸš€ Team members open up and work together to develop our mission.

SOP of Mission Exploration Meetings


1. Why here?

<aside> ❓ Each member shares why they chose this team and this job at this time.


2. Basic Assurance

<aside> ❓ We seek basic assurances to give us a sense of security and a foundation for cooperation. My bottom line: if ..., I would decide to leave the team.


3. Co-create Elements

<aside> ❓ - Based on what you've heard and understood from the previous two sections, everyone writes down any keywords that come to mind.


5. Co-create Mission

<aside> πŸ’‘ Based on the co-created elements, each member writes down what they think "our mission" is. Write as much as possible without focusing on what others are writing. After writing, members can look at each other’s statements and elaborate as needed.


Number Mission Statement

<aside> ❓ An inspiring mission needs to:
