<aside> 🎯 Work together as a team to create objectives and key results (OKRs) for the upcoming cycle, ensuring that team goals are shared by all team members.

SOP of OKR Meetings


1. Check In

<aside> ❓ What are the top 1-2 objectives that you’re most excited for us to achieve in the upcoming cycle?


2. Review of Last Cycle’s OKRs

<aside> ❓ Leaders review the progress of last cycle’s OKRs and reasons for their success or lack thereof.


OKR Plan Progress Results
O1: XXX %
KR1.1: XXXX %
KR1.2: XXXX %
KR1.3: XXXX %

3. Proposal of Next Cycle’s OKRs

<aside> âť“ Leaders propose the OKRs for the upcoming cycle and factors to consider when setting them.


OKR Plan Progress
O1: XXX %
KR1.1: XXXX %
KR1.2: XXXX %
KR1.3: XXXX %

4. Clarifications by @anyone

<aside> âť“ Attendees are encouraged to ask about the new OKRs for better understanding. Leaders will answer questions one by one. Each person can ask multiple questions or not ask any. Quick Q&As without any group discussion.


Question Response

5. Feedback by @everyone

<aside> âť“ Everyone responds to the OKR proposal, whether they support it, expect higher goals, or suggest modifications. Leaders do not need to respond here. Take note of key points and what you want to say, and respond in the next step.


Vote & Feedback

6. Confirmed OKRs for Next Cycle

<aside> ❓ Based on everyone’s feedback, leaders will assess whether to iterate and optimize this cycle’s OKRs, addressing any concerns, misunderstandings, or requests for more info.


OKR Plan

Final solution: